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Pasargadae. 2012.


The design project is a complex building studio in which revolves around the museum of Pasargadae. Left abandoned for several years, this proposed design works with the abandoned fabric and negotiates an open green space for the villagers nearby - while acting as a museum below.

The Unfinished Museum

Penang. 2011.


This project is an exploration of the three school of thought; which are the Technic, Civic, and Poetic architecture. The site is a beach front at the island city of Penang.

3 School of Thought

Tidal Pool Pavilion

Penang. 2011.


Following the developments to the Technic school of thought, a tidal pool and a pavilion was proposed for the beach front of Miami Bay, Penang.

Eco-Guest House

Siem Reap, 2010.


Located at the city center of Siem Reap. The Eco-Guest house design project was to realize the potential of the Angkor Watt and to emphasize the Khmer living within this guest house.


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